Yokomachi Urara Kan 横町うらら館


Forewordのイメージ画像 This leaflet is written in English so as to inform foreigners of this house "Yokomachi Urara Kan" and to assist of the volunteer guides in Tsurugi when they introduce its charm to non-natives. We used to call the road in front of this rest house "Yokomachi". We also used to call "ourselves" "Ura" and "we" "Urara" in Ishikawa's dialect. Moreover, when this house was formally opened, it was a bright and clear (we call bright and clear weather Urara in Japanese) spring day, so the house was named "Yokomachi Urara Kan". (Kan means house in Japanese.)

この家の前の通りを、昔は横町と呼んでいました。そして、私たちが住んでいるこの鶴来や周辺の村々の人々は、方言として私を「うら」 私たちを「うら等」と言っていました。うららかな春の日に開館するにあたり、懐かしい方言と町名を重ねて「横町うらら館」と名付けました。お客様も 「うらら」のお一人となられて、お気軽に憩いの場として過ごされ、「横町うらら館」で当地の新しい情報を得られて、楽しい旅の思い出にしてにいただければ幸いです。


Historyのイメージ画像 It is said that the founder of this house started to live here in 1596. Komatsuya Kouemon, the seventh head was said to build this house in 1832, about 180 years ago. When the fourteenth head moved to Kanazawa city, Tsurugi government inherited this house from him and decided to use it as a free rest house. Then Tsurugi government remodeled some parts that retained traces of the old commercial house. Then, in April 1998, the house was opened for the sake of visitors to Tsurugi to see the sights of the town and to promote this local area's traditional culture, crafts and so on. In the Edo period, the householder of this house stored and managed rice collected as land tax for the Kaga district. In 1873, the tenth head decided to use this house as a post office. In the time of the twelfth head, it was used as a hospital.

この家の初代の人が、ここに住み着いたのは、慶長元年(1956)頃といわれています。七代目小松屋幸右衛門の代、天保三年(1832)に、この家が建てられた と伝えられています。十四代目の当主が生活の本拠を金沢へ移すことを決意され、鶴来町が譲り受けて、旅のお客様の無料休憩所として提供することにしたものです。 この家は、江戸時代は加賀藩の年貢米を管理する「蔵宿」をしており、質屋、金貸しなど倉庫業と金融業をセットにしたような商売をしていましたが、十代目の時、明治六年 (1873)集配郵便局となり、十二代目が町医者を開業しました。職業が変わるたびに、前の部分が改造されており、町医者時代には、前の窓に鉄格子がはめられていましたが、 太平洋戦争中に金属供出させられて鉄格子は無くなりました。


Featuresのイメージ画像 The area of this house site is 560 square meters. It is a two-story building. The front side of the house that faces the road is 13.5 meters. Its depth from front to back is 16.2 meters. In the back, there is a storehouse that is 10.8×9 meters. The storehouse was, at the beginning, made of soil, then, remodeled using stone. This house had 10 rooms on the first floor. After combining the 3 rooms facing the road into one room, the total number of rooms is now 8. On the second floor, there are 4 rooms in the front facing the road and 3 rooms in the rear. The floor of the hall, between the guest room and the garden, is made of straight- grained genuine cedar. A household Shinto altar has an inscription of it being made in 1873. There is no information explaining the year it was made a family Buddhist altar. It is said that the carpenter who built this house made three similar houses in this town. Because the other two houses had already been destroyed, this house is the only vestige of a shop in Tsurugi in the Edo period.

この家の敷地面積は170坪。開口七間半。奥行9間の木造2階建てで、後ろには6間に5間の蔵があります。元は土蔵でしたが、石蔵に改造されています。 蔵の南側には一間半巾、西側に一間半巾を土蔵で仕切って二重土蔵にして、この空間を物置き場にしてあります。一階の部屋数は十室ありましたが、 前の部屋の部分の三室を一室に改造しましたので、現在は八室です。二階は、前に四室、後ろに三室あります。客室の横の庭に面した廊下は、 四間半の一枚物の杉の柾板が使われています。神棚には、明治六年製作の銘がありますが、仏壇の製作年はわかりません。この家を建てた大工は、この町で、 同じ形の家を三軒建てたと伝えられています。他の二軒は既に取り壊されて、この家だけが残り、江戸時代の鶴来の商家の名残をとどめています。 どうぞ、ごゆっくりおくつろぎください。


Entertainmentsのイメージ画像 More than 2,500 people visit here Urara Kan every year. Nowadays about 20 volunteer guides called "Furusato Annainin" welcome the visitors warmly. Especially they serve green tea in the manner of the tea ceremony every Saturday afternoon. They not only exhibit pictures, photographs, calligraphy, flower arrangement, embroidery, etc. in the storehouse, and sometimes give concerts (for instance playing the koto) or a lecture meeting in the guest room, but also give information about famous sight seeing places and facilities in Tsurugi. In this way, they have been doing various activities utilizing this old historical house. We hope you become one of the Urara, enjoy a good time and get new information about Tsurugi at this house. Please make yourself at home.

Floor Plan

Floor Planのイメージ画像

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